January 29, 2014

Be a Real Professional

It seems like today, everyone is calling themselves a professional—whether they are competent in their job or not. There are the titles of “Professional Marketing Ninja,” “Professional Social Media Rockstar,” and the (perhaps more common) title of “Professional Sales Executive.”
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The 3D’s of Selling Managed IT, Copiers, and MPS

During the last three years I’ve been delighted to help rookies, newbie’s or whatever you’d like to call new people that are breaking into the Managed IT, Copiers and Managed Print Service  industry. I’m not a manager or owner (I was an owner once), I work down
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The Greatest Solutions Ever Sold…According to the Dealers Selling Them

(Editor’s note: The following article originally appeared in the September, 2013 issue of ENX magazine. I thought it was worth sharing again in case you missed it the first time. You’ll also find many more articles I’ve written there over the years.) How often
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