One Marketing Lesson About Trying to Break Into the IT Services Business: Honesty Is the Best Policy

honestyMarketing IT services is best done in a manner that is straightforward. “Honesty is the best policy” may be an old platitude, but it still rings true. When you are trying to make people think you are worth more than you actually are, you are liable to end up with an egg on your face. A client of the right caliber may have worked with other IT groups in the past, and know some things you don’t about MSPs. Most savvy clients will see right through a charade that implies greater size than that which actually exists.

Additional things that savvy clients see right through are false references. Don’t make anything up, don’t do anything underhanded or over-play a reference. Be straightforward. If you’re going after your first client, let them know the truth.

There are many advantages to being a new MSP for your first client. Your business model may seem foolproof on paper, but reality has a knack for undercutting plans people have made no matter how well informed or extensive. This is one of the reasons so many people are interested in getting in on the “ground floor” when it comes to new products or services. While it may shock your client to learn that they could be your first, it will definitely make you appear more trustworthy in their eyes.

Certainly, you’ll have to follow up this truth bomb with a full explanation that demonstrates your qualifications in reference to managing this first client’s account. But you can do this well by spinning it. Point out the benefits which come with working with a new MSP as opposed to a large one. Such benefits include:

  • Exclusive focus on client accounts (almost like a dedicated IT manager)
  • Better personalized services than larger providers
  • Elasticity in services unavailable through established providers
  • The likelihood of providing advanced technology compared to established options

This last bullet requires a little explanation. Newer MSPs are often going to have tech solutions which established providers have yet to adopt. When a large organization has multiple clients operating on established contracts, it can be difficult to phase-in cutting-edge technology solutions. The “new kid on the block” can bring the newest technology which the “big boys” have yet to properly adopt.

Keeping the Ball Rolling

Marketing IT services that properly apply integrity when first meeting with potential clients will have a higher likelihood of retaining them. When enough have been acquired, you’ll be able to scale up in a continuously predictable way, which can give you greater latitude in provided services. There’s a momentum to any business which can take some time to achieve; but once this momentum has come, it is likely to increase very quickly given time.

Remember, you’re not operating an IT “Field of Dreams,” here. If you build it, the (clients) won’t come. Clients must know you have services to offer in order to acquire them. This requires marketing, and what many don’t realize is that meeting with potential clients and pitching your MSP is a form of marketing. Especially if you’re completely transparent and honest in your presentation. Whether or not you get the first several clients you pitch to, the likelihood is that your organization will generate a “buzz” through these meetings that will trickle down to other potential clients, and can serve as a form of cost-free (except for the time spent pitching) marketing.

Develop a Marketing Strategy Before You Ever Meet with a Client

One of the most integral components in conducting a successful MSP is getting into the acquisition ring ready to perform. This means planning a marketing strategy beforehand. Look into the costs of PR and advertisement, then consider how you can increase your local presence by pursuing these techniques. Additionally, build up a database of potential clients that is as extensive as possible, and hit every single one of them up even if you get enough clients to fill your necessary budgetary docket. This keeps local awareness of your MSP continual. Additionally, you’re going to want to network as much as possible. Do those early-morning chamber of commerce meetings and pound the pavement for new leads.

Putting Your Best Foot Forward

It may seem counter-intuitive to refrain from over-selling your services, but word can get around, and you want to exploit that gossip rather than be limited as a result. The best way to do this is through honesty. As well, if you want to keep your MSP rolling, develop marketing strategies that include regularly meeting with potential clients and locally marketing IT services toward such potential clients. You want to go after as many leads as you can, be as honest and straightforward as you can, and positively expose the benefits of your small MSP versus larger IT providers.

This article originally appeared on the MSP SEO Factory blog at

David Walter
About the Author
David Walter is the Marketing Director at MSP SEO Factory, a company providing IT marketing to businesses in the United States. Their expertise is creating MSP marketing ideas and turning them into original, optimized blog posts. Their process involves in-depth brainstorming, thorough editing, and effective promotion of fresh and unique articles for their MSP Business clients. He has 17 years experience in marketing for the IT industry, as well as experience in direct MSP marketing, internet marketing, article writing. David speaks at trade shows, webinars and is a sales trainer for major IT companies. He is also a published author; his latest book is Stratospheric Lead Generations Secrets.