This month we celebrate individuals who are making a difference in the document imaging industry. The people we’re acknowledging represent every segment of the industry, from OEMs, to services, solutions, and supplies providers, to industry analysts, to those running key industry associations.
To assist us in making our selections we contacted dozens of respected folks across all segments of the document imaging industry as well as placed an open call for recommendations in the ENX/The Week in Imaging newsletter. The difference makers we’re profiling are a result of those efforts.
How do we define someone who is making a difference? Some are thought leaders, people whose knowledge and opinions their peers and others in the industry respect. Others have done a superior job of running their organizations and building a business, or in some instances, building multiple businesses. Some are operating behind the scenes in their organizations, but making an impact nevertheless. Many of these folks are also prominent participants at industry events where you can find them hosting panels or seminars, sitting on panels, and/or networking with other document imaging industry professionals.
We expect this to become a popular feature in ENX and plan on presenting this yearly. We encourage more of our readers to contribute their recommendations going forward. Your participation adds greater credibility to this endeavor. In addition to the difference makers we’re profiling in print, be sure and visit or read our weekly newsletter in May to read about other worthy individuals from the industry who should also be on your radar.
And now, let’s meet our difference makers, presented in alphabetical order.

Darrell Amy
Darrell Amy
Dealer Marketing Systems
Why we think Darrell makes a difference: For some reason, Darrell seems to be here, there, and everywhere at dealer events, sometimes presenting, sometimes exhibiting, and always working the room. No doubt about it, Darrell puts the “marketing” into dealer marketing, and there’s a whole wide world of dealers who have enhanced their Internet presence and social media profiles in their markets thanks to the work of Darrell and his team.
What they’re saying about Darrell:
“This guy lights up any room he enters and brings a welcome cocktail of wisdom, vision, and passion to any discussion. Darrell never turns away those in need of his wisdom, and always knows just the right answer for just about any problem.” Ken Stewart, Founder & CEO, ChangeForge

Sally Anderson
Sally Anderson
Director, Marketing Communications
Why we think Sally makes a difference: There’s a few constants at Toshiba—Bill Melo, Larry White, and someone who deserves a lot of credit for the company’s continued visibility in the document imaging industry and beyond—Sally Anderson. She may not be the go-to person for quotes and comments about products and strategic direction, but Sally’s contributions to the company are equally important in our estimation as she has been a positive presence within Toshiba for the past 15 years.
What they’re saying about Sally:
“Sally Anderson is a highly-competent and talented executive. Her attention to detail with all of Toshiba’s events is readily apparent. She personifies Toshiba’s reputation of being one of the most supportive OEMs to work with, both from a dealer and journalist perspective. You can always count on Sally to fix a problem.” CJ Cannata, Partner/SVP, Brand Strategy and Development, The Cannata Report
“She’s steering the marketing of a difficult company to steer. It’s not like marketing for Ricoh or Konica Minolta. She’s creative in the way she promotes Toshiba.” Lou Slawetsky, CEO, Industry Analysts

Milton Bartley
Milton Bartley
President & CEO
Why we think Milton makes a difference: Milton Bartley has a well-deserved reputation as one of the most knowledgeable entrepreneurs in the nation when it comes to Managed IT Services and Managed Print Services. That’s why you’ll often find him front and center at industry events sharing his knowledge with his peers and others in the industry. For someone who started out selling hardware, he’s had the foresight to move into new areas of opportunity ever since founding ImageQuest and is a shining example for any traditional office technology dealer looking to do the same.
What they’re saying about Milton:
“Milton is an example of successfully pivoting from the status quo copier model.” Greg Walters, CEO, Greg Walters, Inc.

Brian Bissett
Brian Bissett
Publisher & Editor
The MFP Report
Why we think Brian makes a difference: Meet an analyst and writer who isn’t afraid to speak his mind, even if some of the players in the industry don’t always appreciate his candor. We do. Also, don’t let the title of his publication fool you either because it covers a lot more than MFPs. We’ve always found Brian to be one of the most cerebral analysts in the industry and his intellect comes through loud and clear at vendor functions, press events, and in his publication. When Brian asks a question or offers an opinion, we often ask ourselves, “Why aren’t we smart enough to ask that same question or offer that same opinion?” Because we’re not Brian Bissett.
What they’re saying about Brian:
“Brian is very intelligent and thoughtful in the things he says and does. I think his publication suffers because it’s device centric. But if you read his commentary it’s never about just devices, it’s about the things that really make a difference. The technology by itself doesn’t really change anything; it’s behavior and how it’s deployed, engaged and applied [through the technology]. Those kinds of conversations and dialogs are the kinds of things Brian grasps, gets, and talks about. I have a huge regard for the way he thinks.” Ed McLaughlin, President & CEO, Valderus
“Brian Bissett may be one of the smartest guys in this industry and he’s one of the few that really tell it like it is whether the vendor wants to hear it or not. Heaven help you if you’re listed inside the front page in his editorial area. He understands this industry and the MFP Report is one of the best places to learn what’s really going on in printing.” Andy Slawetsky, President, Industry Analysts

Jerry Blaine
Jerry Blaine
LDI Color Toolbox
Why we think Jerry is making a difference: As progressive dealers go, Jerry is one of the leaders of the progressive movement, steering his dealership well beyond the box. He’s also a dealer that sees the value in education and his educational events in New York City for LDI customers set the standard in education and set him apart from many of his peers.
What they’re saying about Jerry:
“Jerry Blaine is one of the most unique business executives that I have ever had the privilege to know. He takes an intellectual approach to everyday business challenges and opportunities. The result is LDI is easily one of the most advanced dealerships in the realm of an industry that is evolving from a hardware orientation to a software-dominated focus.” Frank Cannata, President, The Cannata Report
“He’s very forward thinking and never sitting back.” Ed McLaughlin, President & CEO, Valderus

Jeff Boate
Jeff Boate
Perry proTECH
Why we think Jeff makes a difference: When it comes to people in the industry making a difference, particularly from the office dealer community, Jeff was one of the most oft-mentioned names when we began compiling the recommendations from leaders across the industry. There aren’t many dealerships that have been able to accomplish the IT excellence that Perry proTECH has over the years and a lot of the credit goes to Jeff and the way he’s been steering Perry proTECH’s IT initiatives.
What they’re saying about Jeff:
“Jeff Boate is a great leader for the Perry ProTECH business and advocate for sharing his innovative thinking and wisdom as a dealer for the betterment of our industry.” Josie Heskje, Director, Strategic Marketing, Office Equipment Group, GreatAmerica Financial Services Corp.
“Jeff is an intelligent representative of a dealership that has implemented IT successfully. Every time I see him on an IT dealer panel, I am impressed. He is helping show other dealers that there’s an opportunity in IT services. He is fresh, not from the imaging industry, and that is what makes him valuable. He brings great insight to this market.” Tanya Flores, ESP/SurgeX

Phil Boatman
Phil Boatman
Business Alliance Manager
Lexmark International
Why we think Phil makes a difference: He’s been the face in the dealer channel for Lexmark and is a guy Lexmark dealers respect and appreciate doing business with. Phil’s unbridled enthusiasm for Lexmark and the channel is evident at industry events and during interviews. As we’ve become more familiar with Lexmark during the past four years, we’ve seen its presence in the channel increase in large part due to Phil’s presence, but we can’t ignore either that he’s an integral part of a talented team of professionals at Lexmark who are doing an excellent job of expanding the company’s presence in the BTA channel while expanding the company’s menu of products and solutions.
What they’re saying about Phil:
“Phil has established himself as someone that is respected in our industry. He’s a true professional who’s still open and eager to learn from his customers.” Ray Belanger, President, Bay Copy
“Phil Boatman changed the perception of Lexmark being a dealer hating, patent litigator to the trusted innovator of a dealer’s OEM second line product. Through Phil’s engaging personality and ability to increase the independent office equipment dealer’s profitability, Phil helped move Lexmark into a prominent position as a provider of fully featured office equipment. Phil is a true gentleman. I have never heard him say an evil word about anyone or another OEM. He is positive, polite and charming. He grew the BTA Channel of Lexmark authorized dealers one at a time and he always brings education and value-add to the mix. He is an asset to the industry and a role model for hard work and integrity paying off to the vendor, selling dealer and the end user.” Ronelle Ingram, BTA Senior Fix Instructor & Contributing Editor, ENX

Leo Bonetti
Leo Bonetti
Why we think Leo makes a difference: If near-perfect attendance at industry educational events and conferences is all one needs to be considered someone who makes a difference in the document imaging industry, then Leo would hold that distinction along with a tight-knit group of his peers. But where he’s making a difference is by running a dealership that’s a shining example for the rest of the document imaging dealer community as to what the model for a 21st century document imaging dealership should look like. What’s amazing about this is that Leo isn’t a kid anymore, he’s one of the senior members of the dealer community and he still has the foresight and the willingness to be at the forefront of change and transformation.
What they’re saying about Leo:
“Dealers like Frank Gaspari and Leo Bonetti are in the same class. Frank is more big splash, big deals, big accounts; Leo is more blocking and tackling. They’re really not copier dealers; Leo cringes when I tell him that. But the fact of the matter is they’re not, they are offering a different approach to the business. They’re not device centric. It’s basically around the aftermarket and that’s where the war is.” Ed McLaughlin, President & CEO, Valderus

Charlie Brewer
Charlie Brewer
Actionable Intelligence
Why we think Charlie makes a difference: Admittedly, we’re a little biased because Charlie is a frequent contributor to ENX, but he’s much more than that, he’s one of the best informed and most knowledgeable analysts in the document imaging industry when it comes to anything related to the supplies segment of the business. Charlie and his market research firm, Actionable Intelligence, have their fingers firmly on the pulse of the supplies and compatibles markets, and if it’s happening there, there’s a good bet Charlie knows about it and can place it in perspective. Hands down Charlie is the definitive source for all unbiased information related to those markets.
What they’re saying about Charlie:
“Charlie Brewer has a tremendous knowledge and understanding of our industry and the analytical skills to sort through the clutter and find the short and long-term consequences of the many changes we have been through over the years. Certainly that’s the definition of a good analyst. What separates Charlie from the rest of the pack is his ability to articulate his insight to all levels of the industry with an intelligent yet down to earth presentation, whether written or verbal, that both reaches those at the higher levels but also the day to day people in the industry. He has the rare gift of being able to impart his wisdom without talking down to those of us that listen.” Charlie Fitzgerald, National Sales Director, Mitsubishi Kagaku Imaging Corp.
“As one of the most knowledgeable experts in document imaging, Charlie Brewer is truly making an impactful difference in leading our industry. He is an outstanding professional with a unique approach to his research and reporting, but is also someone who should be viewed first as an outstanding leader. He has been out in front for the rest of us providing a clearer vision of where we’ve been, where we are, and where we need to go. His influence has been hugely beneficial to all of us who have been fortunate enough to work with him.” Pam Olson, GM/SVP, Sales & Marketing, Printer Essentials

Phil Buysse
Phil Buysse
General Manager
US Bank
Why we think Phil makes a difference: Phil is the leader of a culture in US Bank’s leasing division that is completely focused on the customer. Despite working for an extremely large bank, Phil has an entrepreneurial attitude in his efforts to help the office technology dealer community. He’s one of the reasons that dealers have selected US Bank as their leasing partner of choice.
What they’re saying about Phil:
“I’ve had the opportunity to speak with many US Bank employees at industry events and quickly noticed that they were all cut from the same mold, a mold of doing the right thing for their customers. Even when things were going bad during the financial crisis they would bring up the positives. As I have spent more time with Phil at industry and US Bank events it is clear where that culture comes from, and it is genuine. Phil wants to spend his time with customers and he wants to know how to help those customers grow their business. Understated—he’d rather listen than talk—so he falls under the radar at many events, but believe me he is there, listening and learning so that he can help dealers grow.” Tom Callinan, Principal, Strategy Development

Frank Cannata
Frank Cannata
Publisher & Editor
The Cannata Report
Why we think Frank makes a difference: Anyone who has ever read The Cannata Report or spoken to Frank knows he pulls no punches. If honesty is the best policy, then Frank has a penchant for honesty with a capital H. The industry may not always like what it reads in The Cannata Report or what Frank has to say, but when he says it, they’re reading, listening, and reacting. After all these years, Frank continues to be one of the industry’s most respected thought leaders and his opinions and his many years of charitable work via the Cannata Awards Dinner are what continues to keep him in the upper echelon of the document imaging industry’s most influential people.
What they’re saying about Frank:
“Frank has been with our industry through good times and bad times, and has been a major cheerleader.” Jim Oricchio, President, Coordinated Business Systems
“There are few individuals in our industry who have played such an important role as Frank. For many years, manufacturers and dealers have looked to him for his insightful reporting and candid analysis of the industry. Likewise, the Business Technology Association has valued the insight and wisdom he has shared as a presenter at a number of our events. Plus, he has touched countless lives through the many charities that have benefited from his annual awards dinner; collectively, the dinners have raised at least $1.4 million since 1997. Frank has set the standard within our industry for helping those in need.” Brent Hoskins, Executive Director, BTA

Jim Cerkleski
Jim Cerkleski
Clover Holdings, Inc.
Why we think Jim makes a difference: Look up “Entrepreneur” in the dictionary and that face you see next to the definition may just be Jim Cerkleski’s. What Jim started in 1999 has become exponentially bigger and broader in its offerings and its reach, particularly with the recent merger with MSE. As the years have gone by, Clover isn’t just known as a provider of imaging products anymore, instead it’s at the forefront of sustainable environmental solutions and services—thanks in large part to Jim’s vision.
What they’re saying about Jim:
“Over the past decade Jim has assembled the largest global aftermarket imaging supplies business.
At over $1 billion in annual revenues no other players are even close. I certainly see him as an industry visionary and well respected leader.” Bob Willmes, CEO & Founder, Supplies Wholesalers
“Jim has helmed the creation of not only the most impressive grouping of companies in the imaging space, but also has created a template for remanufacturing that Clover Technologies Group has applied to other e-waste solutions such as cellular phone repair. In addition to the over 20,000 jobs in the Clover family and the positive impact on the environment engendered by Clover’s recycling and e-manufacturing activities, Clover also participates in multiple charitable activities via their ‘Clover Gives Back’ programs. Clover continues to invest into the collective success of our customers and the global imaging marketplace.” Luke Goldberg, Global SVP, Sales & Marketing, Clover Technologies Group

Jim Coriddi
Jim Coriddi
Senior Vice President
Ricoh America’s Corporation
Why we think Jim makes a difference: There don’t seem to be many folks that stand out at Ricoh post-IKON acquisition compared to prior to the acquisition. Jim does. He remains a familiar face, a familiar name, and one who is highly regarded within the Ricoh dealer community and among industry observers. In what has been a few years of instability at one of the industry’s leading OEMs, Jim remains a stable and positive force within that organization.
What they’re saying about Jim:
“You don’t need to go any further than Ricoh’s success in the dealer channel over the last three years to understand Jim’s influence in the industry. If you did go down another level just speak to some Ricoh dealers and you’ll find nothing but praise for Jim. Talk to Jim one-on-one and you’ll hear a vision of supporting the growth, both financially and market share, of Ricoh dealers, particularly those dealers that show a strong commitment to the Ricoh product line. Sit in on a meeting of Jim and his reports and the focus will be on helping dealers grow at the most fundamental levels; Jim doesn’t want to throw money and hope it works, but rather he wants his team engaged and adding value to their dealers.” Tom Callinan, Principal, Strategy Development
“Over the past several years, Ricoh’s dealer channel has increased from about 19 percent to almost 40 percent of their U.S. revenue. After almost completely blowing this channel, Ricoh changed course and has come back with a vengeance, regaining trust and shelf-space. One of the key reasons for this is SVP Jim Coriddi. A 30+ year Ricoh veteran, dealers like and trust Jim and he’s in a key position to build upon the success they’ve had over the last couple of years.” Andy Slawetsky, President, Industry Analysts

Jim D’Emidio
Jim D’Emidio
Why we think Jim makes a difference: The fact that we’re still talking about Muratec and that Muratec is still a solid secondary or third line for many dealers in 2015 is due in large part to Jim’s diligence at keeping the line within the hearts and minds of the independent dealer community. There are no pretensions about Jim or any delusions as to where Muratec fits in within the larger document imaging picture. He’s embraced his role at Muratec and he’s embraced the company’s place in the channel while continuing to do the little things to expand Muratec’s presence in the channel. He’s also highly visible at industry conferences, a sign of a leader who doesn’t think he knows it all…yet.
What they’re saying about Jim:
“Jim is a great listener and fan of the independent dealer. He’s also a wonderful leader who is practical and able to interpret the needs of the dealer community and deliver valuable tools, products, and programs. He’s a first-class individual.” Harry Hecht, Business Coach & Consultant

Kevin DeYoung
Kevin DeYoung
President & CEO
Why we think Kevin makes a difference: When you talk about someone who is a valuable participant at industry events, look no further than Kevin DeYoung. Unlike some of his peers, his success in the MPS arena along with his knowledge of MPS is something he willingly shares with others in the industry. He’s also active in several not-for-profit associations, which says a lot about Kevin as a person.
What they’re saying about Kevin:
“Kevin runs a successful business, yet finds time to pour himself into helping others in our industry. He’s an excellent leader who demonstrates self-sacrifice to serve others in our industry.” Ken Stewart, CEO & Founder, ChangeForge
“Kevin is an incredibly insightful leader in MPS and someone I have a huge amount of respect for and have learned from.” Sarah Henderson, Director MPS operations, West Point Products
“Kevin refused to play the OEM-shuffle-for-shelf-space game long ago and continues to expand the minds of his clients.” Greg Walters, CEO, Greg Walters, Inc.
Paul Dippell
Service Leadership, Inc.
Why we think Paul makes a difference: He’s done an excellent job working with GreatAmerica Financial Services Corp. to bring unprecedented expertise in Managed IT to OEM dealers through many training events, speaking engagements, leading the S-L GAMIT Managed IT peer groups, and consulting. You also can’t underestimate his experience running, acquiring, and integrating IT Solutions companies. It’s refreshing to see the knowledge he’s acquired over his career is not going to waste and being shared with dealers looking to ramp up the IT services segment of their dealerships.
What they’re saying about Paul:
“Paul Dippell is the guru of Managed Services. He is to the Managed Services piece of our business what Tom Johnson who gave us the Johnson model was years ago. Paul has the benchmarks for this very important phase of our business.” Jim Oricchio, President, Coordinated Business Systems

Kay Fernandez
Kay Du Fernandez
Vice President, Strategic Development
Konica Minolta Business Solutions
Why we think Kay makes a difference: Give Kay props for all she’s achieved in her tenure in the industry from her current position at Konica Minolta back to her days with Toshiba. What most impresses us at present is the Step Forward initiative she’s spearheading at Konica Minolta, which encourages the advancement of women by helping to develop leadership skills through sharing experiences and best practices. She’s also been recognized as one of the top ten women leaders in the technology industry by the Cannata Report and deservedly so.
What they’re saying about Kay:
“Kay Fernandez is a thoroughly professional executive who is on the cutting edge of social media, diversity, and innovative technology such as 3D. Konica Minolta is indeed fortunate to have her as one of their leaders in a very aggressive marketing organization.” Frank Cannata, President, The Cannata Report
“Kay has raised the level of awareness in the social media world of Konica Minolta. She is very engaging and invites the dealer to participate in the successes of the company. Reaching out to the creative side and expanding the horizon for thinking as a dealer is what Kay is really good at. She keeps us all on our toes. Thank you Kay.” Al Scibetta, President, Documentelligence: Copier Fax Business Technologies

Jennie Fisher
Jennie Fisher
Sr. VP/General Manager Office Equipment Group
GreatAmerica Financial Services Corp.
Why we think Jennie makes a difference: When it comes to the face of GreatAmerica in the document imaging industry, look no further than Jennie Fisher. Like so many of her peers in the industry, she’s a familiar face at industry events, but a face that always seems to be in the thick of the action whether it’s making a presentation, being part of a panel discussion, or meeting and greeting dealers at the GreatAmerica booth. Besides possessing an extensive knowledge of financing issues, she’s equally adept at discussing topics such as MPS and pretty much any industry trend related to financing you can throw at her.
What they’re saying about Jennie:
“There are those industry leaders who are ‘stand outs’ in terms of their focus on helping the dealer channel. Jennie is key among them. Just like GreatAmerica Financial Services is clearly more than just a financing company, Jennie is likewise more than just a representative of the company; she is an individual who demonstrates a sincere desire to help the dealer community excel and prosper. We are pleased to have the GreatAmerica team, under Jennie’s leadership, as an important supporter of the Business Technology Association and advocate of the dealer community.” Brent Hoskins, Executive Director, BTA

Tanya Flores
Tanya Flores
Director Sales & Marketing
Why we think Tanya makes a difference: The document imaging industry has come a long way over the years and what once was a club with few women members has been changing to the point where there is a significant amount of women in prominent roles making a difference. Tanya is one of those women and one who strongly believes that women deserve more recognition in this space. That’s why she started a ‘Women in Imaging’ LinkedIn group three years ago. This group is made up of women leaders and difference makers from all segments of the document imaging industry. This is the only group devoted to women in the document imaging industry and Tanya deserves all the credit as she continues to realize her dream of recognizing what she calls the “many unrecognized awesome/intelligent women that give to this industry that is 95 percent men.”
What they’re saying about Tanya:
“With her strong voice and true collaborative spirit, Tanya Flores has helped ESP/SurgeX launch game changing technologies, including diagnostic power protection software, remote control technology, and energy management solutions. As one of the original co-founders of Technology United, a coalition of non-OEM technology companies, Tanya has also been instrumental in developing innovative channel advancing partnerships.” CJ Cannata, Partner/SVP, Brand Strategy and Development, The Cannata Report

Frank Gaspari
Frank Gaspari
FlexPrint, Inc.
Why we think Frank makes a difference: It’s impossible to ignore a dealer who recognized the value of MPS before there was even the term MPS. Forget about selling hardware, Frank came up with a completely different business model 10 years ago, a model that has allowed his dealership to grow like crazy while forging a national footprint. Frank is among the elite dealers selling MPS these days. Some may go as far as to say, there’s Frank Gaspari and there’s everybody else.
What they’re saying about Frank:
“He’s always on the bleeding edge of what’s coming next from a technology standpoint. He started his business based off of managed print, but now he’s evolved to having this national footprint not only for managed print, but managed services. They don’t have turnover. You work there, you stay there. They make that a core focus area—they’re always listed as one of the top places to work in the Valley and he’s maintaining that culture with multiple offices. He’s got a bright business mind; where other people have not been successful with managed print he goes out and gets it done.” David Ramos, Director, Channel Strategy Service, InfoTrends
“Since its inception FlexPrint has dominated the MPS landscape by providing a positive work environment and developing a customer focused team.” Ken Staubitz, National Sales Manager, BEI Services

Jeff Gau
Jeff Gau
Why we think Jeff makes a difference: For more than 30 years Jeff has been making a difference at Marco in an array of different roles, including the past nine as CEO. Under his leadership Marco has become one of the largest dealerships in the country—not bad for a dealership based in St. Cloud, MN, not necessarily one of the top 10 markets. We’re particularly impressed with the many different business segments the company has branched out into during Jeff’s tenure and it’s not a stretch to say that few dealers can offer as diverse a range of products, services and solutions as Marco.
What they’re saying about Jeff:
“He gets the whole model and the whole picture. My experience with Jeff goes back to when I was at Sharp. I got him started on IT services, but the reality of it is he was ready for it anyway. I’d been talking to him about where I see the industry going and why, he understood it instinctively and immediately. He’s done a remarkable job of building his dealership in Minneapolis into one of the biggest dealerships in the industry.” Ed McLaughlin, President & CEO, Valderus
“He helps dealers understand the what’s and why’s of Managed Network Services.” Chip Miceli, President, DPOE

Guy Gecht
Guy Gecht
Why we think Guy makes a difference: Guy has a great back story going back to his days in the Israeli Defense Forces where he managed an engineering development team before serving as Acting Manager of one of IDF’s high-tech divisions. But it’s what he’s accomplished since joining EFI that makes him one of the document imaging industry’s movers and shakers. He’s had a number of roles throughout his EFI career and although it’s presumptuous to think that EFI wouldn’t have the reputation it currently has within the print industry today without his leadership, all the same he’s been instrumental in bringing EFI’s Fiery controllers and print workflow software to market and guiding the company through key acquisitions during this period. When it comes to determining which way the print industry is blowing, you don’t need a weatherman to tell you which way the wind blows, you just need Guy Gecht.
What they’re saying about Guy:
“Guy Gecht is without question a highly talented CEO who has mastered the art of acquisition to not only enlarge his company but to take it in a whole new direction. For a software company such as EFI to become one of the leading providers of industrial printers (Inkjet Super wide Format) in less than a decade is nothing short of amazing. While all the hardware manufacturers have struggled transitioning their respective organizations into service providers EFI did it in reverse. Today their business enjoys 50 percent of its revenue from hardware and 50 percent from software and only one other company can make that statement.” Frank Cannata, President, The Cannata Report

Bob Goldberg
Bob Goldberg
General Counsel
Why we think Bob makes a difference: If an independent dealer ever had a best friend in the industry, it would have to be Bob Goldberg. Whether it’s issues with the OEMs, the security crisis of a few years back, and whatever legal issue is thrown at him, Bob tackles it like the consummate pro. The independent dealer needs a guy like Bob on their side and he’s been by their side for nearly four decades. If you’re an independent dealer and you’ve got a problem, you’d “Better Call Bob.”
What they’re saying about Bob:
“Bob Goldberg, hypothetically speaking, has aided thousands of BTA dealers through the maze of legal dilemmas. His speaking skills are legendary. Always engaging, Bob shares real-life scenarios that immediately relate to the listening or article reading BTA members. As BTA general counsel for the past 38 years, Bob has the most comprehensive e-mail/phone list in the industry. Not only has Bob been there, done that, he also is on a first name basis with the movers and shakers in the industry. Bob Goldberg helps to keep BTA members on the straight and narrow side of integrity.” Ronelle Ingram, BTA Senior Fix Instructor & Contributing Editor, ENX

Luke Goldberg
Luke Goldberg
Global SVP, Sales & Marketing
Clover Technologies Group
Why we think Luke makes a difference: When it comes to supplies and the supplies chain, Luke Goldberg is one of the industry’s more knowledgeable and adroit purveyors of wisdom. It’s one thing to understand the channel, it’s another to be able to speak eloquently on the topic and to inform as Luke has done over the course of his career. And he’s still a young guy, which means he’s got plenty more time in this industry to make an even bigger impact than he already has.
What they’re saying about Luke:
“Luke has created a cross-over identity sharing his international experience and awareness within the recharger and BTA communities. Luke possesses an inquisitive mind, marketing genius, straight-forward personality, technical and legal understanding of the multitude of nuances of the sourcing, manufacturing, packaging, logistics and sales trends of the supply compatibles industry. You can actually feel the persona of Luke Goldberg’s power, authority, knowledge, insight, creativity, energy, and tenacity when he walks into a room. Luke shares his knowledge as a no nonsense speaker and writer who lives the passion of his day to day commitment to the betterment of the compatibles industry.” Ronelle Ingram, BTA Senior Fix Instructor & Contributing Editor, ENX

Sarah Henderson
Sarah Henderson
Operations and Business Development Leader for Axess Managed Print Services
The Clover Imaging Group/West Point Products
Why we think Sarah makes a difference: We first met Sarah five years ago when we served briefly on the board of the MPSA and were impressed by her knowledge and enthusiasm for MPS and the document imaging industry as a whole. Since then that knowledge has only broadened while her enthusiasm for the industry and Clover/West Point remains unwavering. She remains a familiar face at industry events and it’s not unusual to find her sharing her wisdom on an industry panel or facilitating a session on MPS.
What they’re saying about Sarah:
“She’s a stable and knowledgeable individual with a good head on her shoulders.” Ed McLaughlin, President & CEO, Valderus

Josie Heskje
Josie Heskje
Director Strategic Marketing, Office Equipment Group
GreatAmerica Financial Services Corp.
Why we think Josie makes a difference: It’s difficult to believe that Josie has only been in the industry a few short years yet she’s made her presence known within GreatAmerica and outside of GreatAmerica through her presence and participation in industry events. Josie has embraced this industry with the utmost enthusiasm, an infectious enthusiasm that is apparent to everyone she meets. From where we’re sitting she’s the perfect person to have on your team or in your corner and GreatAmerica is lucky to have her.
What they’re saying about Josie:
“Josie Heskje is truly one of the most creative people that I have the pleasure to work with in this industry. While extremely competent in her own right, Josie is also open-minded. She often requests feedback from – and bounces ideas off of – colleagues and partners and runs with the best idea, regardless of who came up with it. That said, Josie is the strategic force behind much of GreatAmerica Financial Services’ highly-lauded and visible marketing efforts and is also an outspoken advocate for women in the industry.” CJ Cannata, Partner/SVP, Brand Strategy and Development, The Cannata Report
“Josie is a true professional and extremely hard worker. She is a hidden gem that many may not realize helps keep GreatAmerica Financial Services a key vendor in the industry. Too often the executive leaders of companies are recognized, while the behind the scenes people are not. She is highly strategic and is one of the few truly nice people. If you have heard of GreatAmerica – it’s probably because Josie had something to do with it.” Tanya Flores, Director of Marketing, ESP/SurgeX

Brent Hoskins
Brent Hoskins
Executive Director
Why we think Brent makes a difference: Brent is more than just “the nicest guy” in the document imaging industry, he’s also the driving force behind BTA and has been instrumental in keeping that organization top of mind in the independent dealer community and with scores of OEMs, supplies, and services and solutions vendors. Education is important to an ever-evolving industry and Brent is making sure the Association is at the forefront of that education. Plus he’s juggling all the demands of the association with the demands of being editor of Business Solutions, the association’s monthly publication. How does he do it? It’s an uncanny ability to wear two hats at once and maybe, just maybe, magically being able to be in two places at the same time. We’re not sure about that, but we are sure he’s done a tremendous job.
What they’re saying about Brent:
“Brent’s quiet leadership of the BTA makes it an organization that the industry benefits from greatly.” Sarah Henderson, Director MPS operations, West Point Products
“Brent is at every industry event known to man and is the BTA king. He represents a down-to-earth leader that runs a well-respected dealer organization. And regionally, he supports the dealers – regardless of what OEM brand they sell. That’s awesome.” Tanya Flores, Director of Marketing, ESP/SurgeX

Ronelle Ingram
Ronelle Ingram
BTA Senior Fix Instructor &
Contributing Editor/Writer,
ENX/Recharge Asia
Why we think Ronelle makes a difference: I think we can get away with celebrating one of our own, especially since Ronelle is not exclusive to ENX, but continues to contribute to other publications and remains a valuable resource and presenter for BTA. How can one not appreciate all that she has done for the document imaging industry over the years along with her current contributions? She’s raised the profile of service within the industry to a new level through her contributions on the topic to industry publications over the years. Without her editorial input, one might think the industry is only about selling and moving boxes. She’s made a difference in enhancing the service operations of many dealerships over the years either by working for them or by sharing her knowledge in writing and at industry events.
What they’re saying about Ronelle:
“When I started working at the Business Technology Association in 1986, Ronelle was already a highly-regarded volunteer for the association, then NOMDA. Today, nearly 30 years later, she remains very important to us as the lead presenter of our FIX Cost Management for Service Workshop. Ronelle will forever be remembered as a legendary leader and supporter of BTA. Beyond her exemplary volunteerism for our association, however, I have met very few individuals through the years who have demonstrated such a dedicated interest in helping to strengthen the dealer channel.” Brent Hoskins, Executive Director, BTA

Doug Johnson
Doug Johnson
RedSage Consulting
Why we think Doug makes a difference: Besides being successful everywhere at virtually every company he’s been involved with, Doug is one of the first industry leaders we count on for insights and commentary on all things MPS. No wonder he’s a highly sought after speaker and consultant on the topic and has been instrumental in building Supplies Network’s MPS offering. Now back on the consulting front he’s doing more of what he does best and sharing that knowledge to help others be successful.
What they’re saying about Doug:
“Doug is revered as one of the most knowledgeable experts in our industry—a go-to resource for business strategy.” Ken Stewart, CEO & Founder, ChangeForge
“He’s been doing a great job stepping up in the MPSA organization this year to help further their goals—adding structure to some of the committees, the election process, etc.” Josie Heskje, Director Strategic Marketing, Office Equipment Group, GreatAmerica Financial Services Corp.

Mike Lamothe
Mike Lamothe
Office Document Consulting
Why we think Mike makes a difference: Certainly more than 25 years in sales and management positions within dealerships and at manufacturers gives Mike a fair amount of credibility. But he’s more than a compiler who’s been doing his time in the industry. With all those years comes a lot of knowledge, and that knowledge is benefiting clients who count on Mike for helping them implement and provide ongoing support to their MPS programs. It’s not only MPS with Mike. For clients needing guidance with strategic selling, development of selling and marketing tools, organizational right-sizing, and assessment consulting and design, who are they going to call? Mike Lamothe of course!
What they’re saying about Mike:
“Mike is equally skilled in his business savvy and eye for photography. Mike pours into his customer community and finds time to contribute to several not-for-profit organizations, donating his photography for auction. You’ll know Mike by his crazy-colored socks, his bright smile, and that twinkle in his eye letting you know he’s just figured out how to help someone else with their challenge.” Ken Stewart, Founder & CEO, ChangeForge

John Lowery
John Lowery
Founder & CEO
Applied Imaging
Why we think John makes a difference: John is the founder and CEO of Applied Imaging, one of the most successful dealerships in the country and current president of the CDA. Those credentials alone, albeit impressive, aren’t the only reasons he stands out for us. What truly stands out is his commitment to his company, the document imaging industry, and his peers, other dealers who view him as an industry leader. John also sets an example for the industry in creating a work environment that’s been recognized as one of the best to work for in the nation.
What they’re saying about John:
“John has led the growth from start-up to $50M+ yet hasn’t lost the collegial culture of the company. His employees truly love working at Applied and it shows in their attitudes and success. John is also a life-long learner always looking to engage in good conversation about new business ideas and trying to determine how he can put whatever good he learns to use at Applied. John also spends a great deal of time with CDA events trying to ensure that he has solid speakers that add value to the members while focusing on helping the CDA members move past the basic imaging business model.” Tom Callinan, Principal, Strategy Development

Mike Marusic
Mike Marusic
Senior Vice President, Marketing and Operations
Sharp Imaging and Information Company of America
What we like about Mike: Even though he’s one of Sharp’s most prominent spokespeople, Mike is often overlooked when it’s time to hand out the industry accolades. After 25 years in the industry and 13 years at Sharp, he’s got a firm grip on the trends and issues driving the market and can speak intelligently about virtually every aspect of Sharp’s document imaging business. He doesn’t seem to wince when taking on new product categories or new assignments. Plus through all of Sharp’s ups and downs of the past few years, Mike remains the voice of optimism and reason in an industry that’s often quick to overreact.
What they’re saying about Mike:
“He’s been there for a thousand years and pays his dues every year in the face of crap and he still maintains a positive attitude. I like him a lot.” Lou Slawetsky, CEO, Industry Analysts
“Right now he’s holding things together at Sharp. They’ve got a rough row to hoe and Mike is doing an enormous job in terms of managing the cost structure, but more importantly he’s continuing to stay the course and put in place ways to make them a better company.” Ed McLaughlin, President & CEO, Valderus

Wes McArtor
Wes McArtor
Founder & President
BEI Services
Why we think Wes makes a difference: It’s great to see a former service technician and service manager make good. What Wes has accomplished since starting BEI Services is nothing short of amazing. Taking all the knowledge he gleaned from years in the field servicing equipment, Wes started BEI Services with the intent of providing dealers with key metrics to help them identify which of their service techs are doing a good job, the common service issues associated with specific devices, and a way for service managers and dealer principals to truly identify what “good is.” Hundreds of dealers are using BEI Services’ program and benefiting from the data it provides. In an industry where service is of critical importance and a key differentiator in the marketplace, Wes gets our nod for having the foresight to figure out how to best measure it, which has made so many dealers all the more better for it.
What they’re saying about Wes:
“Wes McArtor of BEI Services is a down to earth entrepreneur who has the talent of seeing a need and being able to fill it. He’s the kind of guy you can sit down and chat with, share a beer and laugh at a real life story he will share. All the while you know he is telling the truth. Truth that is provable. No smoke and mirrors, no fast talk. Wyoming born and bred, Wes is the real deal. For over 20 years Wes has guided BEI to be the no-nonsense standard of truth.” Ronelle Ingram, BTA Senior Fix Instructor & Contributing Editor, ENX
“Wes continues to work with both the manufacturers and dealer channel providing innovative tools allowing dealers to benchmark themselves to their peers.” Ken Staubitz, National Sales Manager, BEI Services

West McDonald
West McDonald
Vice President Business Development, Print Audit
Owner, FocusMPS
Why we think West makes a difference: There are a handful of people in the document imaging industry that are unmatched when it comes to their knowledge and experience with Managed Print Services. West is a charter member of that elite group. Besides years of training sales reps on how to better sell MPS, his expertise has made the difference for organizations looking to enhance their MPS efforts. With a solid and diverse background in the document imaging industry, the industry continues to count on West for his ability to excel at software training, sales training, management coaching, back-office MPS planning, and more. He’s also become one of the industry’s leading thought leaders through his blog posts and Tweets, some of which are not to be missed.
What they’re saying about West:
“West must be related to the Energizer Bunny because he is always on. He is everywhere and at every event—always writing, speaking, or contributing to spur thought and action. I don’t know how he does it, but he is eloquent and energetic at the same time.” Ken Stewart, Founder & CEO, ChangeForge
“I’ve had the pleasure of working with West McDonald for several months now helping Print Audit get their message out and without a doubt, he’s one of the most creative people I know. Instead of the same old boring content, West forwards clever and fun pieces with titles like “Print Audit vs. Marco,” “The Prank-off for Charity,” “Top 3 Reasons Your Managed Print Assessment Sucks,” and “How to Lose MPS Revenue and Come Out Smiling.” Writing clever articles is one thing, but West also has a strong grasp on social media, making him one of the most effective marketing execs I know.” Andy Slawetsky, President, Industry Analysts

Bill Melo
Bill Melo
Chief Marketing Executive
Toshiba America Business Solutions
Why we think Bill makes a difference: The public face of Toshiba in the press, Bill is the guy at Toshiba who oversees product marketing, strategic software and platform development, marketing communications and marketing operations. He’s also involved in developing global marketing and branding initiatives as well as the company’s global product and services roadmap. It was Bill who oversaw the development and launch of Toshiba’s Encompass Managed Print Services along with Ellumina Digital Signage Services. His enthusiasm for new technology and new services, and of course, the industry, places Bill in the upper pantheon of industry movers and shakers in our view. Plus he also has good taste in music.
What they’re saying about Bill:
“Bill has risen to one of the most senior positions at Toshiba. Under his direction the company has become a force in digital signage, recently winning major deals like Staples Center and AEG. The strategy has not only made Toshiba relevant, but it has given them visibility with some of the most premium accounts. Digital signage represents a great opportunity if you have the right products to sell and a good strategy behind it.” Andy Slawetsky, President, Industry Analysts

Chip Miceli
Chip Miceli
Why we think Chip makes a difference: We can cite how quickly Chip responds to our requests for an interview regarding dealer issues as to why he makes a difference, but he’s more than just an early responder. He’s done a tremendous job serving on the board for IBPI, helping dealers get better pricing on the products they sell. And he’s active on the SDG board where he and his peers are focused on helping dealers make more money and add more products to the menu of products they offer. Plus he’s always ready, willing and able to serve on industry panels whenever associations and organizations such as BTA or ITEX come knocking.
What they’re saying about Chip:
“Chip is a forward-thinking, progressive dealer who clearly has a passion for this industry and the opportunities it presents. He is always willing to share his insight with others; that is, he exemplifies the same “dealers help dealers” philosophy held by the Business Technology Association. There is no doubt that Chip enjoys helping to further strengthen the BTA Channel by offering guidance to his fellow dealers whenever he is given the opportunity.” Brent Hoskins, Executive Director, BTA
“He is super active with the dealer associations and willing to help other dealers. Even though he is not my customer, he’s someone I respect regardless if we are doing business together or not.” Sarah Henderson, Operations and Business Development Leader for Axess Managed Print Services, West Point Products

Kevin Morris
Kevin Morris
OneDOC Managed Print Services, LLC
Why we think Kevin makes a difference: Not only is Kevin a true MPS expert, he presents a unique perspective, is willing to help other dealers get better at MPS, and contributes to the industry as he leads the membership for MPSA. His knowledge of MPS through his consulting services has been an asset to his peers looking to get into MPS. The great thing about Kevin is that he gets MPS and he’s not afraid to share what he knows and has worked for him with others.
What they’re saying about Kevin:
“Kevin has single-handedly led the MPSA’s membership drive while managing to triple his business year over year. Kevin is as good at selling as he is willing to take your call to help.” Ken Stewart, Founder & CEO, ChangeForge
“Kevin is an MPS expert with a unique perspective who is willing to help other dealers and contribute to the industry.” Sarah Henderson, Operations and Business Development Leader for Axess Managed Print Services, West Point Products

Will Niederstadt
Will Niederstadt
MTS (Mitsubishi Technical Services) Manager
Mitsubishi Kagaku Imaging Corp. (MKIC)
Why we think Will makes a difference: Since joining MKIC in 1989 Will has been helping individuals in the remanufacturing industry solve technical problems. What makes Will an asset to the industry is his ability and willingness to go into manufacturing plants around the world and help. He visits companies both large and small and helps them identify production issues that are causing problems in the field and corrects them. That’s what we call making a difference.
What they’re saying about Will:
“We have been working with Will and Future Graphics for quite a while now. Will always brings a refreshing attitude to our industry; he has the knowledge and background to help in any situation. He is always a pleasure to work with and his contributions to the industry have been essential for the growth we have experienced over the years.” Bill Henry Jr., General Manager, American Laser Products
“Many people in these technical roles tend to be only focused on issues related to the products they sell. Will is willing to look at an overall operation and make suggestions on a range of areas both product and process. By doing this he has helped many companies overcome challenges at every level to stay competitive. His expertise is sought out and valued by many folks in our industry.” Charlie Fitzgerald, National Sales Director, Mitsubishi Kagaku Imaging Corp.

Art Post
Art Post
The Print4Pay Hotel
Why we think Art makes a difference: Admittedly we’re biased because we’ve been fortunate to include Art’s Print4Pay Hotel blogs in the ENX/The Week in Imaging newsletter and on the website. He remains the one true voice of the dealer sales rep on the street, consistently telling it like it is in the real document imaging world even if some in the industry can’t always handle the truth. However, for his peers in the industry, he’s a must read and someone who knows how to get a conversation started.
What they’re saying about Art:
“Art does a great job of keeping this site up and running day to day all the while doing his ‘day job.’ I believe that what he does with the P4P Hotel Forum directly helps all of us dealers who follow and contribute to it.” Jason Habbal, Vice President/Sales Manager, Vision Office Systems
“Art sells copiers for a living and writes a popular industry blog on the side. He’s committed to improving this industry, and he’s not afraid to talk about it; I think that’s great.” Tanya Flores, Director of Marketing, ESP/SurgeX

David Ramos
David Ramos
Director, Channel Strategy Service
Why we think David makes a difference: We enjoy his quick wit, his knowledge of the document imaging space and his unbridled enthusiasm for the industry. He’s become the go-to guy for Infotrends at industry events and is clearly a solid guy to have on their team. David never ceases to amaze us with his insightful commentary and observations about the document imaging industry.
What they’re saying about David:
“David is a great supporter of the Business Technology Association and, in turn, a true champion of the independent dealer channel. He is always very willing to assist BTA when called upon with his industry expertise. David has endeared himself to many in the industry—dealers and manufacturers alike—with both his enthusiasm and unique brand of humor. We are fortunate to have him as an important contributor within the office technology industry.” Brent Hoskins, Executive Director, BTA
“David is considered an industry resource for dealers and manufacturers alike.” Ken Staubitz, National Sales Manager, BEI Services

Thomas Schneck
Thomas Schneck
Why we think Thomas makes a difference: The document imaging industry has embraced DocuWare like no other document management platform and a lot of that credit goes to Thomas. He now finds himself competing with some serious competition in the document management arena for the hearts and minds of the dealer community as well as with the OEMs. However that all plays out, one thing is for certain—Thomas Schneck and his DocuWare team will be right in the middle of the fray.
What they’re saying about Thomas:
“Thomas, and the entire Docuware team, had the foresight many years ago to concentrate on the independent dealer community as their primary distribution channel. This could not have been an easy decision, and required what I’m sure amounted to significant investment, resources and patience! Their focus, commitment and dealer educational / support programs have resulted in many dealerships making the transition into successful document imaging practices, a transition that would not have been possible without his commitment.” Lou Stricklin, Director of Marketing and Sales Support, Muratec
“The independent dealers love Thomas and his team.” David Ramos, Director, Channel Strategy Service, InfoTrends

David Scibetta
David Scibetta
Copier Fax Business Technologies, Inc.
Why we think David makes a difference: We could just have easily included David’s father Al in the mix too, but let’s just say that David has learned from one of the best and is making his mark in taking the dealership to a new level. Indeed, what this little dealership has done that’s made a difference in the Buffalo and surrounding areas of upstate New York is their ‘Documentelligence’ approach for bringing the most appropriate mix of solutions to their customer base. Admittedly, this may be more evolutionary than revolutionary, and for a small dealership, granted with a solid OEM (Konica Minolta) behind them, one can’t help but be impressed at the difference the Documentelligence branding has made to the business. It’s a model that other dealers should follow, or at the very least, consider.
What they’re saying about David:
“Leveraging his IT background, David Scibetta joined Coper Fax Business Technologies to oversee a major company evolution from traditional copier dealer to full-service technology partner. David and his father, Al, seem to provide the perfect foil for each other. In talking to them simultaneously, you get an immediate feel for what appears to be a seamless dynamic between them.” CJ Cannata, Partner/SVP, Brand Strategy and Development, The Cannata Report
“David and his father Al are constantly seeking ways to change that company and have been relatively successful, particularly with content management. Although Copier Fax is still very much a hardware company, they’re now doing back office records conversion and have a huge operation for that, doing millions of pages a month. They’re doing hundreds of thousands of dollars of revenue, and the important thing is it’s all incremental revenue. I like both of them a lot, but I suspect David is leading the change in direction.” Lou Slawetsky, CEO, Industry Analysts

Barry Simon
Barry Simon
Why we think Barry makes a difference: If longevity in the industry was the only reason that someone is considered a difference maker, then Barry’s 34 years would place him near the head of the class. But it’s more than longevity, it’s more about running a successful business, the ability to embrace trends, his willingness to cast aside the status quo and not play it safe. We also appreciate the way he seeks to create “Raving Fans” for his dealership inside and out of Datamax. For a guy who started selling office supplies, he’s shown you can be successful even in a smaller market branching out beyond selling hardware and into the Managed Services space.
What they’re saying about Barry:
“I’ve known Barry for nearly seven years, and never met a more personable, passionate, and dedicated leader. Not only does Barry operate with a high sense of urgency for his business, but he demonstrates a true care for his people and trusted partners alike in every situation. Barry has become a friend over the years, not just a business partner. His proven leadership in our business has afforded me personal and professional growth, as well as helped to shape and mold the Lexmark dealer program over the years. Barry challenges the status quo, seeks real ‘differentiation’ for himself and his organization, and sets the bar high for others to follow. He’s not only made a difference for me and Lexmark, but certainly for countless others for a long time.” Phil Boatman, Business Alliance Manager, Lexmark

Andy Slawetsky
Andy Slawetsky
Industry Analysts
Why we think Andy makes a difference: Is it possible for an analyst to transform from party animal to social media butterfly? Having witnessed that transformation first hand, the answer is a resounding YES. In an industry focused on CPM and PPM, Andy is adding a new acronym to the mix, TPM (Tweets per Minute). These days Andy is singlehandedly reinventing Industry Analysts as a news compendium for the document imaging industry via his relentless tweeting. If it’s happening in the document imaging industry, Andy is tweeting about it. He has unabashedly raised the relevance of social media within the document imaging industry to new levels, and as one of the industry’s most social personalities, that’s hardly surprising.
What they’re saying about Andy:
“Andy hosts the largest LinkedIn group (Copiers, MFPs, and Printers) in the industry. He did this long before anyone was using social media in the imaging industry to talk amongst ourselves. It’s a great OEM-agnostic platform that provides a place for 10,000 people in our industry to share ideas and talk openly. And everyone who’s anyone reads his news releases.” Tanya Flores, Director of Marketing, ESP/SurgeX
“Andy is an excellent industry analyst and resource.” Larry Kirsch, President, Merit Business Systems/Consultant, Kirsch Copiers

Jenna Stramaglio
Jenna Stramaglio
Vice President Marketing
MWA Intelligence
Why we think Jenna makes a difference: It’s difficult to live in the shadow of Mike Stramaglio, a guy with a big personality and a big presence who takes up a large chunk of real estate at industry events. However, Jenna has been quietly and capably making her presence known at the very same events where she is no longer considered Mike’s daughter, but Jenna Stramaglio, one of the new breed of industry executives bringing the message of SAP and FORZA to market. And with her recent appointment to the MPSA Board of Directors, she’s poised to make an even bigger difference in the industry.
What they’re saying about Jenna:
“Jenna has done a tremendous job during her tenure at MWAi. When I talk with folks around the industry her name is synonymous with energy, passion, thought leadership, drive, and innovation.” Lou Stricklin, Director, Marketing, Muratec
“Respected industry players have all commented on Jenna Stramaglio’s contributions to the industry and she was the most recent candidate to earn a seat on the prestigious MPSA board. With her immediately apparent winning combination of intelligence, integrity, imagination, charisma, and humility, she has an innate and infectious ability to communicate with a fluidity that cannot be learned or taught.” CJ Cannata, Partner/SVP, Brand Strategy and Development, The Cannata Report

Mike Stramaglio
Mike Stramaglio
MWA Intelligence
Why we think Mike makes a difference: If there’s an industry event, Mike will be there preaching the gospel of MWA, SAP, and FORZA whether he’s on the program or not. You’ll also always find him wherever the document imaging industry action is, learning and networking, which are two qualities we admire about him. Add to his impressive resume within the industry the success of The Executive Connection Summit, which he oversees with a ‘Gatsby-esque’ presence, and he is another one of the industry’s upper tier difference makers. What a concept that Executive Connection Summit has been, as it’s become a conference that delivers on that concept in so many different ways.
What they’re saying about Mike:
“Although we all know he sells SAP, what he truly is – is the imaging social media master. And he puts on great events with all of the leaders and media in the industry. Even though it’s probably all to help sell SAP, from the Technology United Executive Connection Summit to the “It’s for a good cause” Motorcycle ride, to the 10,000 shout-outs/posts/tweets a day, Mike is pulling together the industry in a unique way.” Tanya Flores, Director of Marketing, ESP/SurgeX
“Mike dares to change the ERP for BTA Dealers.” Chip Miceli, President, DPOE

Rick Taylor
Rick Taylor
President & COO
Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A.
Why we think Rick makes a difference: He had his work cut out for him when he first joined Konica Minolta considering the reputation it had forged over the years with the company’s own independent dealers. Clearly, Rick gave more than a damn about Konica Minolta’s bad reputation with its dealers and went and did something about it. He’s regarded highly within the dealer community and remains one of the most gregarious and accessible executives in the document imaging industry. He also deserves kudos for building a strong team around him, all of whom have been instrumental in taking Konica Minolta into the upper tier of OEMs and enhancing its reputation within the independent dealer channel. That counts for a lot and you’ll be hard pressed to find any Konica Minolta dealers these days that start the conversation about Konica Minolta with some unprintable adjectives.
What they’re saying about Rick:
“Rick Taylor has truly changed the culture of Konica Minolta. He has created a team concept and a personal approach in doing business. He has developed an atmosphere where a dealer can feel very close to the manufacturer because of the products and the support behind them. I have been a Konica Minolta dealer for 25 years and believe me, it is a much different game since Rick arrived. I’m very pleased to be doing business together.” Al Scibetta, President, Documentelligence: Copier Fax Business Technologies
“He tells it like it is. Strong accomplishments at Konica Minolta…another guy you can trust.” Larry Kirsch, President, Merit Business Systems/Consultant, Kirsch Copiers

Kevin Tetu
Kevin Tetu
President, ECI FMaudit
Vice President, Strategic Opportunities & Partner Alliances, ECI Software Solutions, Inc.
Why we think Kevin is making a difference: Here’s a guy who has put his engineering and design skills to good use to benefit the document imaging industry. Somehow along the way he was able to create one of the industry’s biggest and fastest growing MPS software development companies. In addition, he has completely immersed himself in the industry through his memberships in MPSA, BTA, and CompTIA. Kevin truly is an asset to the industry and now that FMAudit is part of the ECI family, he’s continuing to contribute there as well.
What they’re saying about Kevin:
“I’ve known Kevin for a number of years on a business and personal level and he has always operated with the highest level of integrity and is well respected in our industry. I have watched Kevin grow his FMAudit business and then sell his company to ECi Software Solutions, Inc. Under Kevin’s guidance, FMAudit has become the dominating player in our industry for device management. Kevin is truly a thought leader in the document imaging industry and continues to break ground on new ideas and integrations that will benefit all MPS providers.” Shane Hannan, President, Print Control Software, Inc.
“I had the pleasure of meeting Kevin 5 years ago and to this day I am still impressed with his entrepreneurial spirt and vision. As our industry continues to evolve its thought leaders like Kevin that will continue to push the envelope providing customers with an advanced end user experience.” Mike Lamothe, President, Office Document Consulting

Andy Wager
Andy Wager
Business Development Manager, 3D Printing
Why we think Andy makes a difference: The folks at ScanSource are onto something with their partnership with 3D Systems, and credit Andy with taking this message to the indirect and direct office technology sales channels by providing them with a mix of 3D printers, 3D scanners, software, and support. It’s a model that has yet to be matched by any other distributor as far as we can tell. Considering Andy’s background in direct and channel sales, sales management, and sales channel expansion and development, this strategy is likely to be a successful one for ScanSource and just the ticket for the office technology dealer who might need a little extra help in establishing their footprint with 3D printing.
What they’re saying about Andy:
“Andy Wager has put together a BTA channel program and arranged it so the pricing is exactly the same as someone would get from 3D Systems, but they also have scanners and software, and can help the dealer understand the transition into 3D. 3D printing is going to explode and you’ve got to be in it, and companies like ScanSource are offering things to the dealers that should be more visible at this point. Why would you want to go with a Stratysus or a 3D Systems when you can work with someone who can bring other converging technologies with it and learn the business without a huge expense?” Ed McLaughlin, President & CEO, Valderus

Tom Walter
Tom Walter
Vice President of Distribution and Aftermarket Sales
Toshiba America Business Solutions, Inc.
Why we think Tom makes a difference: The folks on the distribution side with the OEMs tend to get overlooked mostly because they tend to operate in the background. Not Tom Walter; with 25 years of sales and marketing experience, Tom is actively managing the distribution of the company’s aftermarket products while also raising awareness of TABS’ thermal barcode printer products. He’s also helping increase the company’s toner sales though the addition of new distribution partners and developing new programs. Plus he’s front and center promoting the company’s green initiatives, including TABS eco-oriented products.
What they’re saying about Tom:
“Tom Walter is part of an organization that positioned him to be the best at what he does. As a distributor he provides me with information to keep me informed with what’s going on in the market place. He’s always professional and very knowledgeable in the MPS/aftermarket line. He has strong relationship skills and a good head for business. That’s why he is part of my team!” Suzanne Carter, International Digital Solutions, Nuworld Business Systems

Greg Walters
Greg Walters
Greg Walters, Inc.
Why we think Greg makes a difference: Love him or hate him, or simply disagree with him, Greg remains one of the most opinionated and polarizing figures in the document imaging industry. He isn’t shy about shaking things up and that’s not such a bad thing at all. He offers a fresh perspective on industry trends and isn’t afraid to call out the old way of doing things as not necessarily the best way. A proponent of MPS for many years, Greg was an ideal choice to take the leadership post of that association. One thing is for sure, you can always count on Greg to either ask those tough questions or say out loud what many in the industry are thinking, or if they’re not, should be thinking about.
What they’re saying about Greg:
“With Greg it’s never about it can’t be done, it’s more about why can’t it be done!” Art Post, Founder, Print4Pay Hotel

Greg Welchans
Greg Welchans
President & CMO
Supplies Network
Why we think Greg makes a difference: He’s been in the industry for nearly 25 years, including nearly 14 with Supplies Network where he’s been hugely successful in leading and positioning the company for current and future successes as one of the industry’s leading imaging supplies distributors. Greg truly is one of leaders in this key industry segment.
What they’re saying about Greg:
“Greg Welchans is one of the very best all-around executives in the entire industry! His loyalty and thoughtfulness for his family, business partners and company is not only enviable but it is something I personally use as a benchmark for how I judge myself. People like doing business with Greg because he is genuine and operates with the highest form of personal integrity. I have always had a ton of respect for Greg and I always will.” Sam H. Richardson, Vice President, US Enterprise Inside Sales, Hewlett Packard Co.

Larry White
Larry White
Senior Vice President of Sales, Americas
Toshiba America Business Solutions
Why we think Larry makes a difference: Year in and year out you can depend on Larry to carry the torch for Toshiba throughout the company’s dealer community. He’s the consummate professional and someone who is personable, honest, forthright, and free of BS. If we were a dealer not already doing business with Toshiba and Larry came a knocking, he’d be the guy to convince us to take on the line because he’d be exactly the kind of industry professional we’d want to work with.
What they’re saying about Larry:
“Larry doesn’t lead the sales efforts of a “Big 4” industry player so he can at times be overlooked. But one group that definitely doesn’t overlook him is the Toshiba dealer community. Larry is a relentless traveler spending his days doing what he enjoys the most, being in front of his dealers. He isn’t shy about bringing ideas to dealers on how they can better leverage the Toshiba line to win business nor is he afraid to support dealers in new ventures if there will be mutually beneficial goals. Moreover, Larry’s word is as good as gold so when he tells a dealer something you can take it to the bank.” Tom Callinan, Principal, Strategy Development

Monte White
Monte White
Vice President of Product Marketing
Supplies Network
Why we think Monte makes a difference: Monte White is a guy who has run the table by working for some of the most prominent players in the supplies industry since 1989, including Daisytek, Ingram Micro, Tech Data, and now Supplies Network. He’s got a reputation as a tough but fair negotiator, working with vendors to bring increased value to reseller programs. He’s also a good interview and we appreciate his thoughtful insights into what’s happening on the supplies side of the document imaging business.
What they’re saying about Monte:
“We have worked with Monte White for a number of years. I find Monte extremely knowledgeable about the industry. He processes and understands both the positive and negative consequences for both Supplies Network and the manufacturer on issues that arise, about as quickly and accurately as anyone I have ever worked with. Monte is tough but extremely fair. He is a great partner with which to work and we greatly value the long-standing relationship with both Monte and Supplies Network.” Mike Johnson, Vice President North American Business Channels & SMB, Lexmark International
“Monte is a key player in the development of industry leading channel programs in collaboration with OEMs and supplies vendors.” Bill Erpelding, Director of Marketing, Supplies Network

Gary Willert
Gary Willert
President & CEO
LMI Solutions
Why we think Gary makes a difference: Gary has turned LMI Solutions into more than just a supplies company. Under Gary’s leadership, LMI is branching out and now selling remanufactured printers. That may not sound like such a novel idea and may not sound like it makes Gary someone who is making a difference, but if you look closer, it’s clear he’s making an impact and raising the bar in the supplies business by reinventing what it means to be a 21st century supplies provider for the document imaging industry.
What they’re saying about Gary:
“Gary Willert has elevated a commodity to a service business that has directly contributed to increasing LMI’s dealer customers. Key dealer influencers like Modern Office Methods are quick to praise the contribution LMI has made to their business. The company offers a comprehensive set of MPS tools – including demos, vertical market approach videos, a mobile sales pitch kit, multi-media playbooks customized for clients based on the products and services they sell, and professional creative services capabilities like video scripting and production.” CJ Cannata, Partner/SVP, Brand Strategy and Development, The Cannata Report

Bob Willmes
Bob Willmes
CEO & Founder
Supplies Wholesalers
Why we think Bob makes a difference: If anybody knows supplies and compatibles and how to make a living in that market, it’s Bob Willmes. Thirty years in that market counts for something, particularly when one takes into consideration that Bob was one of the first people in the industry to see an opportunity in compatible products even if it was only floppy disks way back when. Now with the founding of Supplies Wholesalers in 2010, he’s done an admirable job in building a successful business that meets the needs of dealers and resellers across the nation.
What they’re saying about Bob:
“Bob’s entrepreneurial spirit in the industry is unparalleled. For more than 20 years, Bob has built and run multiple successful businesses in the industry and has been an innovator all along the way. He successfully built Printer Essentials into a leading wholesaler of imaging supplies before selling the company. He recently founded Supplies Wholesalers and has built it into a powerhouse in the industry, recently opening its third warehouse. There are few other leaders in our industry as visionary and entrepreneurial as Bob. I have had the pleasure of working with Bob for more than 15 years and have appreciated watching him build and develop his companies.” Jim Zipursky, Managing Director, Corporate Finance Associates Midwest

Steve Young
Stephen Young
Square 9
Why we think Steve makes a difference: If it weren’t for Steve there might not be a Square 9, even if all of the credit for the creation of the company and the company’s flagship product SmartSearch doesn’t rest on his shoulders alone. Still, Steve is doing a terrific job of leading an organization that is one of the recognized leaders in ECM among the dealer and OEM communities. As Square 9 branches out beyond its core product, he’s doing a great job of bringing this message to market and winning over the hearts and minds of many BTA dealers who are looking for a solid ECM product and an organization that can provide them with top notch service and support amidst a crowded field.
What they’re saying about Steve:
“Stephen Young is spearheading efforts that are truly helping dealers manage documents for the ultimate benefit of end-users while easing the dealer transition to a services orientation. Steve, as well as the rest of his team I have had the pleasure of meeting, are also tremendous people to work with. Sincere, insightful, collaborative and respectful, Steve and company personify a true partner mentality.” CJ Cannata, Partner/SVP, Brand Strategy and Development, The Cannata Report
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Thank You
This special issue wouldn’t be possible without the input of the following individuals who took the time to respond to our requests for recommendations and comments about this year’s difference makers:
Rebecca Adolf, Impact Networking; Darrell Amy, Dealer Marketing Systems; Ray Belanger, Bay Copy; Phil Boatman, Lexmark; Tom Callinan, Strategy Development; Frank Cannata, The Cannata Report; CJ Cannata, The Cannata Report; Bill Erpelding, Supplies Network; Charlie Fitzgerald, Mitsubishi Kagaku Imaging Corp.; Tanya Flores, ESP/SurgeX; Luke Goldberg, Clover Technologies Group; Jason Habbal, Vision Office Systems; Shane Hannan, Print Control Software; Harry Hecht, Consultant; Sarah Henderson, West Point Products; Josie Heskje, GreatAmerica Financial Services; Mike Johnson, Lexmark; Larry Kirsch, Merit Business Systems; Derek Martin, US Bank; Ed McLaughlin, Valderus; Chip Miceli, DPOE; Lori Montgomery, Supplies Network; Alex Nicolia, All-Tech Recruiting; Pam Olson, Printer Essentials; Jim Oricchio, Coordinated Business Systems; Art Post, Print4Pay Hotel; David Ramos, InfoTrends; Sam H. Richardson, HP; Al Scibetta, Documentelligence: Copier Fax Business Technologies; Andy Slawetsky, Industry Analysts; Lou Slawetsky, Industry Analysts; Ken Staubitz, BEI Services; Ken Stewart, ChangeForge; Kathy Vogler, Perry ProTECH; Greg Walters, Greg Walters, Inc.; Jim Zipursky, Corporate Finance Associates MidWest; Bill Henry Jr., American Laser Products; Brent Hoskins, BTA; Bob Willmes, Supplies Wholesalers; Lou Stricklin, Muratec, Suzanne Carter, IDS; Greg Allen, ECI FM Audit; Ronelle Ingram, BTA Sr. FIX Instructor; Mike Lamothe, Office