Sales & Service

Forty Eight Hundred Phone Calls a Year Can Equal a Lot of Dough!

Make the calls and the prospects will be there; Whether you’re communicating via LinkedIn, sending e-mails, calling on the phone, or just knocking on doors, if you do the work, the prospects pool
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Damn the Manufacturers’ Quotas, Full Speed with Generic Options

Today was awesome day, as long as you’re a Met fan!  First win of the season and just maybe, just maybe we won’t stink this year. Winning is an awesome thing, whether it’s
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Connect with Your Prospect

Seems like I always have a good story to tell from my Presidents Club trip. This year our trip was to Montego Bay, Jamaica, we stayed at the Iberostar Grand Rose Hall Hotel.  I loved everything
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7 Tips to Help Win Net New Competitive Copier and MPS Deals

  (Editor’s note: While Art is away this week enjoying his President’s Club trip, and not blogging, here’s an oldie but goodie from a couple of years ago that’s still relevant today.)  
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Sharp: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Back in the mid to late ‘80’s I can remember always getting my butt kicked by Sharp.  Even better, if you owned a Sharp dealership you were in play to be bought by Alco Standard (January 1997
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Canon Business Systems Pulling a Ricoh

Heard from a friend who is a Canon dealer. That dealer states Canon Business Systems (CBS) is dumping machines to his existing base and selling in most cases for 20 percent less than his cost! He
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Five Items Spock Would Consider Illogical About Purchasing or Leasing a Copier

  Last friday at lunch, I saw the scrolling marquee that Leonard Nimoy had passed away. Leonard was best known for his role as Spock in the original Star Trek series. Like my mother,
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Tell ‘em Columbo Sent You

Last week I received a lead in my territory from our manufacturer.  OMG, these are rare nowadays! Before I called the decision maker, I did my due diligence and checked the company out on their
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