Meet the Movers & Shakers: Nevill Imaging Solutions’ Reed Melnick

Reed Allan Melnick

Reed Melnick

Title: President / CEO

 Company: Nevill Imaging Solutions / Nevill Financial Leasing

Years in industry: 31

Best thing about your current position: Being able to designing our business plan built around unique/ innovative idea and technology and leading the company’s execution like a well-oiled machine.

Worst thing about your current position: Having to terminate people who have become family because it’s in the best interest of all the employees.

Worst job you ever had: Working in a warehouse in New York in the winter with no heat getting paid by the piece to build pallets. I think I am still cold from the experience.

Best business decision: Expanding the operation to multiple locations and investing in the company’s future.

 Toughest business decision: Firing people who have become your family because it is in the best interest of all the employees.

 The dumbest decision you ever made in your life: Not buying 250 acres of land for a very reasonable price that had a lake built on the property next to it three years later. The value increased over ten fold.   

 First Car: 1966 California special Mustang

 Favorite song: “Billionaire” by Travie McCoy

 Song you turn volume way up on whenever it comes on the radio while driving alone in the car:  “Stairway to Heaven”

 Favorite sport: Fishing

 Favorite sports team: Dallas Mavericks  

 Favorite movie: Hook with Robin Williams

 The one movie you hate to admit that you enjoy watching again and again: Over the Top

 Favorite book: From Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…and Others Don’t by Jim Collins and Spin Selling by Neil Rackham

 Best place you ever lived: Dallas, Texas

Best vacation ever (location and year): Spain – multiple cities 2011

Favorite restaurant in the U.S. (Name and location): Babe’s Chicken in Sanger Texas

If you had to pick a last meal, what’s on the menu? Sweet tea, ribs, mashed potatoes with gravy.

Person who has had the biggest influence on your life: Nick Maimone with KMA, his level of support and mentorship has gone beyond the call. 

If you could switch places for a day with anybody in history (world leader, sports figure, movie star, etc.) for a day, who would that be? The President of the United States; I would make great headway into the process of turning this country around.

What’s the one expression that drives you crazy every time you hear it?  It is what it is, that’s just the way we do it.

What one thing are you good at that people you work with or friends and peers in the industry would be surprised to hear?  Palm reading.

Scott Cullen
About the Author
Scott Cullen has been writing about the office technology industry since 1986. He can be reached at