Relentless Pursuit of Improvement Drives Gordon Flesch Co. Difference Maker Kelly Moran

Kelly Moran, Gordon Flesch Co.

Kelly Moran thinks back across his 36-year career, all spent with the Gordon Flesch Company (GFC), and fondly recalls the first time he qualified for the annual quota trip, sort of a precursor to the ubiquitous president’s club. It was 1987, and hitting the magical number signified to Moran that he could achieve business success as a sales rep in the office technology industry.

Sustained success also breeds enhanced responsibilities, and Moran eventually became responsible for building GFC’s entire sales team. While a top-selling rep does not always equate executive leadership material, Moran was motivated to attack the challenge by enabling present and future reps to seize upon the same opportunities he leveraged back in the 1980s.

According to Moran, a 2021 ENX Magazine Difference Maker, it is a relentless pursuit of improvement that keeps him moving forward and attaining greater successes. “My job is actually simple; unfortunately, not easy,” he said. “I have to collaborate with many GFC subject matter experts to build programs and solutions which allow our full sales team to confidently make strong claims in the field, knowing that the company will deliver as promised.”

Perfect Fit

A graduate of Milwaukee’s Marquette University, Moran found a GFC job posting in the school’s career library. A business management major with a minor in marketing, he saw sales as an optimal launching point, and the studies aligned perfectly with the career awaiting him.

In forging long-term relationships with team members, Moran was able to assemble a winning sales team through what he terms an intentional, winning culture. “This involves more than just sales; it also includes the alignment of marketing, service and support so that we can confidently go to market with the best solution,” he noted.

Currently the senior vice president of sales and marketing for GFC, Moran authored the dealer’s TriathElite sales program, which is focused on ensuring the dealer’s 106 account representatives and leaders can realize optimal performance levels and reap personal growth. With an eye toward inbound marketing excellence, Moran’s strategy has been critical in developing 4,000-plus qualified sales leads, which has led to hundreds of new clients and revenues topping the $12 million plateau.

Success Keys

Despite the pandemic, Moran and Co. was able to attain solid sales activity, with only a few reps lost along the way. As 2021 continues to unfold, Moran will continue to focus on the key drivers—sales growth and profitability—that have enabled the dealership to stake its claim among the nation’s leading performers.

Moran, who also serves on the Lexmark Dealer Advisory Council, continues to build on that success by reading books on leadership best practices and collaborating with other individuals on the GFC sales management team. He’s found GFC teammates and family ownership to be a critical reservoir of information and perspective throughout his 36-plus years with the firm.

Speaking of 36 years, that’s how long Kelly and Sharon Moran have been married. They have two children, Molly and Matthew, and four grandchildren. Moran comes from a family of 10, and he enjoys spending time with the siblings and their families. He competes in endurance sports in his spare time—skiing, swimming and biking—and also enjoys paddling. The Morans also continue to work on their historic home, which was built in 1873.

Erik Cagle
About the Author
Erik Cagle is the editorial director of ENX Magazine. He is an author, writer and editor who spent 18 years covering the commercial printing industry.