Clover Imaging Group Emphasizes Commitment to Sustainability with Printreleaf Partnership

(Chicago, IL) January 14, 2016 – Clover Imaging Group, the global leader in the imaging industry including manufacturing, collections, solutions, and parts, is proud of its ongoing partnership with the certified global reforestation program PrintReleaf.

In less than a year, Clover Imaging Group and its dealers “releafed” 42,561,457 pages and planted 5,107.58 trees. That’s one tree for every 8,333 pages printed.

As an Authorized Dealer for PrintReleaf, Clover offers its customers the first technology platform to enable cloud-based forest product tracking and reforestation. This strategic partnership allows Clover’s dealers to offer an innovative, authentic way to promote green business practices while also building managed printing values.

“The PrintReleaf program is one Clover is proud to be associated with. The value that it offers, not just environmentally, but as a value-add for Managed Print Services, makes this a unique program,” said Luke Goldberg, SVP Sales and Marketing for Clover Imaging Group. “We really want to see our dealers utilizing this program as a way to differentiate themselves in the MPS marketplace.”

PrintReleaf easily integrates with Clover Imaging Group’s Axess® MPS, a comprehensive and fully integrated suite of software and services designed to help dealers deliver more profitable MPS solutions.

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