Between the Lines: Here Comes Summer and another Elite Dealer Reminder

2015 Elite Dealer updatedJust because it’s summer doesn’t mean it’s time to start slacking off. No way, no how. That’s not my style. I never met a deadline I couldn’t meet, summer, winter, spring or fall. Often, I prefer to meet those deadlines sooner rather than later. Admittedly, it’s not always easy when you’re dependent on others for responding to interview requests.

Right now, this moment, and going forward I am on a mission to encourage more dealers to get their Elite Dealer nomination forms in ahead of time. That’s how I plan on spending my summer right up until I leave for a nine-day vacation in Ireland on Sept. 3.

The deadline for us to receive your Elite Dealer nomination form is Sept. 1. However, if prefer not to wait for the final deadline, and I sure hope you don’t, I encourage you to click here and complete the form and submit it ASAP.

We’ve received many completed forms already, but we’d like to see more so we can start our evaluations over the summer and not be inundated with dozens of submissions as the clock strikes midnight on Sept. 1. It’s okay if you do, but you’ll be able to check one big item off your to-do list if you do now rather than later.

Thanks for reading.

Scott Cullen
About the Author
Scott Cullen has been writing about the office technology industry since 1986. He can be reached at