Meet the Movers & Shakers: Joe Barganier

Joe Barganier

Joseph Fenn Barganier

Title: President and Board of Directors – Dealer; MPS Consultant

Company: MPSA; MT Business Technologies

Years in industry: 20 years started in May 1991

Best thing about your current position: MPSA – exposure to the entire emerging industry; MTBT – helping clients improve their business processes

Worst thing about your current position: MPSA – not enough spare time or financial resources to capture the full opportunity; MTBT – some days it is tedious work and dealing with the same issues for the last two decades. Same problem different person.

Worst job you ever had: The job I least liked was working at Taco Bell in 1982.

Best business decision: Joining Ricoh in August 2000

Toughest business decision: I have not had to make it yet.

The dumbest decision you ever made in your life: There are so many to chose from. When I was about eight years old, my best friend and I decided to bang on a .22 caliber shell with a brick. It went off ricocheted off the carport brick wall and dinged the 1967 Camaro in the driveway. I think we both received quite the switching or belt whipping. I’ve always had a guardian angel watching over me.

First Car: 1970 Monte Carlo with a 350 hp V8 engine

Favorite song: Lynard Skynard is one of my favorite groups

Song you turn volume way up on whenever it comes on the radio while driving alone in the car: ELO or the Cars. 

Favorite sport: College Football      

Favorite sports team: The University of Alabama Crimson Tide

Favorite movie: Star Trek the Wrath of Kahn

The one movie you hate to admit that you enjoy watching again and again: Galaxy Quest

Favorite book: The Holy Bible.  It is definitely the one I have read the most.

Best place you ever lived: so far . . . Fishers Indiana

Best vacation ever (location and year): London in 2002; I was there in June and caught the Queen’s birthday procession.

Favorite restaurant in the U.S. (Name and location): Bohanan’s in San Antonio TX

If you had to pick a last meal, what’s on the menu? One dozen raw oysters, a cup of seafood gumbo, six large butterflied fried shrimp, six large grilled shrimp, half pound of fried blue crab claws, six sautéed scallops, grilled grouper filet, cole slaw; baked potato with butter, sour cream, bacon; six ounce medium rare filet. Southern sweet iced tea.

Person who has had the biggest influence on your life: My wife Leia. 

If you could switch places for a day with anybody in history (world leader, sports figure, movie star, etc.) for a day, who would that be?  Elvis Aaron Presley

What’s the one expression that drives you crazy every time you hear it?  “Just sell something”

What one thing are you good at that people you work with or friends and peers in the industry would be surprised to hear? Southern cooking

Scott Cullen
About the Author
Scott Cullen has been writing about the office technology industry since 1986. He can be reached at