MSP Sales can be Counterintuitive, but that’s a Good Thing…Here’s Why

MSP sales may benefit from an “oblique” approach, which is an approach that isn’t necessarily straightforward. Especially given that MSPs generally have a longer “sales journey” for buyers, it makes sense to take such strategies into account. Here are a few ways to do this:

Extroverts Aren’t Always the Best Sellers

MSP sales are often facilitated through sellers who are social. They know how to make people laugh and be the center of attention at a party—they’re extroverts. While it’s true such sellers will have more success than many introverted marketers, in tech, there’s value to having introverts on your team.

The nature of technology is complicated. Many who buy may themselves be introverted. Nothing turns an introvert off like some socially savvy extroverted Casanova-type. It’s good to have a few sellers that approach sales from an introverted angle.

Refocus Selling to Maximize Existing Clientele

The majority of sellers focus on acquiring new clients. They spend a fraction of their time maximizing those an MSP already has. This is a big mistake. When you’re doing good for clients, they’re going to grow in terms of profitability. This increases their need for IT. You can get ahead of them through projections and comparisons with similar clients. When you anticipate the real needs of clients, this is good customer service. That it buffs up your profit margin is a collateral benefit.

Don’t Merely Close Deals—Close the Right Deals

Sometimes clients aren’t a fit for your MSP. You could serve them, but the profit you make is so minimal in reference to what it costs you to provide such low-level service, it’s not worth it. Sellers shouldn’t merely close, they should close with the right clients.

Profiting Outside the Box

MSP sales should close with the right clients, refocus strategies toward existing clients, and incorporate introverts. Such strategies help maximize your potential conversions and increasing profit margins through the resources you already have.

Ravi Jain
About the Author
Ravi Jain is the Chief Executive Officer for Technijian, with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. Skilled in Enterprise Software, HP Products, Storage, ITIL, and IT Service Management. Strong business development professional with a BS focused in Physics from the University of California, Los Angeles. For over a decade, Technijian has strived to provide Fortune 500 IT Support in Orange County for the small to mid-size businesses. During this time our client base has grown from a small office with less than 10 people to mid-size businesses with over 50 employees. We offer corporate-wide IT services for Orange County clients with hotels all across the country as well as IT support for medical device startups here in Orange County. Regardless the size Technijian strives to deliver "Technology Support Your Way."